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"The Mystic Krewe of the Kingdom of Lamuria" will promote and organize a variety of monthly and yearly events but not limited to those as detailed below…
Monthly Meetings: General Meeting are to be held the third Thursday of each calendar month at six O'clock P.M. at a location mutually agreeable to the Board of Directors and President. During these meeting discussions will be had about the functions and condition of the group as well as plans formulated for upcoming events. Committees will be organized as required and additional meetings may be called at the discretion of the president. All members are encouraged to attend these meetings.
Board Meetings: Board meetings are to be held each calendar month at a location mutually agreeable to the Board of Directors and President. Notice of each meeting must be presented to each Board member at least one week prior to the event. All board members must attend. Those who fail to attend three consecutive board meeting will have their status reduced to a general membership and will be replaced by a called election of the general membership to select a replacement.
Workshops and Educational Seminars: It is the responsibility of the Board of Director to call and attend a variety of regular scheduled educational workshops and seminars as so deemed required for the benefit of the group. These workshops may consist of but not be limited to classes and or discussions on attire, weapons, entertainment, education or other pertinent subjects.
Mini Festivals or Feasts: The Board of Directors has at its discretion the power to call for and organize Mini Festivals and Feasts for the amusement, entertainment and education of the membership and guests. Attendance to these events is encouraged but shall not be required. The Board has the right to levy and thus collect fees to cover the costs of such events and for the purposes of fundraising. Funds raised from these events will be placed in the general fund unless otherwise specified. Special events and fund-raisers may also be called and proceeds from these events will be allotted to the proposed function (IE: Scholarship fund or Festival) as promoted. These funds may not be used for the general promotion or activities of the group. See the Fall Fun Fest 2008 for our next event.
Mardi Gras Coronation Ball: All members are encouraged to participate in the one formal event held each year at a location to be decided by the president and board of directors. In addition members may be asked to serve as elected and or appointed members of the Royal Court. This event will be open to the public and is to be used as one of the major fund-raisers for the organization. Activities are to include the introduction and coronation of the years reigning Monarchs, buffet dinner and general dancing.Coming in February 2009.
Fun-Raising Events & Promotions: All members are encouraged to participate in a variety of fund-raising activities as called for by the Board of Directors to fund various group functions. These events may take the form of T-shirt sales, seeking sponsorships, advertising sales, ticket selling, car washes or other approved activities. Members are asked to provide suggestions as to other events, which may benefit the group and provide funds to produce the ball and festival.
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Are you in need of a costume for the Ball. Click on one of the links here andMKKL will earn a small commision on your purchase